Last update: 2024-06-26

Advertiser Terms and Conditions

  1. Background

    1. Metapic has developed a tool that, among other things can be used by editors and Creators to easily create links and when clicking on the link the visitor's browser redirect the visitor to an e-commerce store where the item is available for sale. Through collaboration with the Company, Metapic is able to provide such linking for the Company’s web shop (“the Service”).
    2. The Company operates a web shop (“the Web shop”).
  2. Scope and Definitions

    These terms form an integral part of the Agreement related to the Services provided by Metapic to Company. The following definitions are used in these terms:

    Agreement these terms
    Insertion Order the Order specifying key commercials for the services provided by Metapic to Company, to which these terms are attached
    Services the services provided by Metapic to Company under the terms of the Agreement
    Transaction the action entitling the Creator and Metapic to a commission, (Click, Lead, Sale, One time fixed fee per publication)

  3. Right and obligations of the parties

    1. Metapic and the Creator in Metapic’s network who publish via sites (“Content creators”) has the right to make links to the Web shop, use the Company’s brand name and logotype, screenshots from Company´s website and information in order to fulfill the Service.
    2. The Company shall not, except via Metapic, for the duration of this Agreement and for six (6) months thereafter, enter into any online advertising, or other online commercial arrangements with any Creator that has been recruited to the Company´s web shop through Metapic.
    3. The Company agrees to a maximum monthly deletion rate of 5% unless the transactions are found to be fraudulent. Should the rejection rate in one or more calendar months exceed 5%, the Company shall compensate both Creators and Metapic. A compensation shall be calculated based on the average monthly creator and Metapic commission of the last 12 months. Metapic reserves the right to immediately terminate any agreement with the Company if transactions are cancelled by more than this rate.
    4. Validation period for transactions are 14 days.
    5. Cookie period is 30 days.
    6. The Company may give products (goods or services) to the creators for the purposes of promoting your program and may also decide to give the creators a discount on the purchase of your products. Metapic may perform the technical act of transferring the products or the information about the discount granted to the creators as part of this agreement. However, at no stage does Metapic acquire the service or the right to dispose of the goods as owner. The Company remains the sole owner of the products until they are transferred to the creator. Any taxes; whether VAT, employer contributions, withholding tax or income taxes is the responsibility of the Company and shall be reported and paid by the Company and the Creator according to all applicable local tax legislations.
  4. Google Analytics and use of Metapic App

    1. The Metapic Advertiser App can use Google Analytics to import conversions from the Metapic app. Company will have the option to enable Google Analytics tracking, which will add custom UTM parameters to the URLs of all orders placed through the Metapic app. These UTM parameters can then be used to track the effectiveness of the Metapic creators in driving sales.
    2. The below clauses under this Section 4. are only applicable if you choose to enable Google Analytics import.
    3. The purpose of Metapic accessing Google Analytics is to add orders to Metapic system. On a daily basis, Metapic examines all orders created that day, and Metapic stores the orders that match the UTM parameters added manually by the Advertiser in the Metapic Advertiser App. From the order data we store the following: UTM tags, order ID, order value, timestamp, voucher code and currency the corresponding orders are imported into the Metapic system. Metapic needs this data for visualizing the progress and success of collaboration with Metapic creators. Additionally, Metapic can use this data to fulfill the obligations between Metapic and Creators.
  5. Creators

    1. Creators shall be paid on a monthly basis on behalf of Company provided fully paid by Company and remuneration will be paid at payment rates applicable from time to time.
    2. Company is, at any time, entitled to change the payment rates to a single Creator. However, Company may not make any changes which may reduce the Commission Rate and Metapic’s Commissions, by more than 20% in total Commission within a 30-day period.
    3. Transaction Fees and Creator Commissions which have been paid by the Company are not refundable.
  6. Reclassifications of transactions

    Within the period specified in the Insertion Order (Validation period for Transactions), counted from the generation of a Transaction, the Company will be able to, by using Metapic's web-based interface or by sending information to Metapic in a form agreed between the Parties, reclassify a Transaction as invalid using pre-defined reasons.

    Within five (5) days from receiving a reasonable request for information relating to an invalidated Transaction submitted by an Creator through Metapic, the Company undertakes to provide Metapic with an explanation to the reclassification/invalidation and to either confirm the reclassification or to change the classification back to valid.

    If a Transaction is not reclassified within the validation period specified in the Insertion Order or if an enquiry is not processed as set out in above, the Transaction will automatically be considered valid and the Company is obliged to pay the applicable Transaction Fee to Metapic and the Creator Commission.

    Transaction Fees and Creator Commissions which have been paid by the Company are not refundable.

  7. Payment terms

    Invoicing will be made monthly in arrears. Metapic´s payment term is 15 days net.

  8. Marketing

    The parties have the right to use one another as references and in relation to that make use of each other's company name and other characteristics, provided that such use is made in good faith and in a positive context.

  9. Data Processing and Protection

    The parties have entered into a Data Processor Agreement, That can be found here

  10. Liability

    The liability of either of the parties for damages shall with the exception of personal injury or material damage and unless intentional or gross negligence can be shown, be limited to a maximum of twelve (12) months' charges. However, the parties shall not, unless intentional or gross negligence can be shown, be liable in any circumstances for loss of earnings or other indirect damage or loss.

  11. Changes to the Terms and Conditions

    Metapic shall have the right to modify these General Terms and Conditions. Any such change shall take effect one (1) month after the Company has been informed on Metapic’s website, newsletter or the change has been made generally available. However, should the Company not approve of the changes, the Company has the right to terminate the Agreement with one (1) months’ notice. If such notice is not given within one (1) month, the Company is considered to have accepted the new terms and conditions.

  12. Dispute

    Disputes arising from this agreement shall be settled in arbitration with the application of Swedish law at Stockholm Chamber of Commerce.